helping you
drive success from your data

Quickly and easily deliver conversational analytics from your operational data stored in Oracle. With native connectors for cloud and on-premise instances, inmydata is the perfect analytics partner for Oracle customers.

With native connectors for cloud and on-premise instances of MySQL, inmydata is the perfect analytics partner to quickly and easily deliver conversational and operational analytics from data stored in MySQL databases.

Microsoft SQL Server

inmydata uses AI and cloud technology to deliver conversational analytics and automated insights from data in your PostreSQL database. With native connectors for cloud and on-premise instances, inmydata is the perfect analytics partner for organisations using PostgreSQL.


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We think inmydata is fantastic, but it's your opinion that counts. If you have a spare half hour, we'd love to show you the product in action. Just click the button below, fill out a few details and we'll be in touch to arrange a demo at your convenience.
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